Tuesday, October 15, 2013

That Awkward Moment

I'm not sure why this happens or what triggers it...

But sometimes I just crave things.

It's not an overwhelming, driving need like before, but these thoughts just leap in there.

My son brought home cornbread from Boston Market the other night. It's still sitting on the kitchen table.

A few minutes ago I saw a stick of butter sitting on the counter and all I wanted to do in that moment was slather some onto that cornbread and...

For heaven's sake, it's been FIVE MONTHS.

These thoughts exit as fast as they enter but sometimes I just have to wonder... IF the timing were right and I was at a particular point of vulnerability, would I do it?

I've been able to say no to all that stuff for five months, even when no one is looking.

But those awkward moments when the cravings kick in can be torture.

Julie Kibe teaches about slapping away the cravings, and it works...

...when you've been hypnotized to do it.

But what about those who haven't been?

What about those who are completely on their own?

Okay, here's my response to that...

Simply put, how hard have you been working to take off the weight?

What have you accomplished?

How do you feel?

That cornbread (not so much the butter, strangely enough) represents failure.

It represents illness.

It represents a short and uncomfortable life.

Worst of all, it represents failure...

...IF I eat it.

If I walk past it and say, "No!" it represents the polar opposites of those things.

It represents wellness.

It represents good health.

It represents victory.

You know, I've had my fill of failure.

I've had my fill of carrying around a refrigerator on my back.

I've had enough of being too tired to walk around a theme park with my kid.

So why, in the name of all that is decent and holy, would I give in to a piece of cornbread?

Cornbread? Please...

But, really, apply anything you want to that logic: ice cream, pastry, pasta, candy...

Speaking of theme parks...

This Saturday I will once again find myself in the land of funnel cakes and soft serve and I will say, "No!" to all of it again. Why? Because I want to be well.

How badly do YOU want to be well?

More to the point, do you want to be well more than you want to succumb to a craving?

Some people don't.

Most don't.

Those who do can figure out a way to slap away the cravings.

Saying, "No!" is easier than you might think.

Just for today, commit to it.

Tomorrow, you'll have to make that decision again, and yes, it sucks.

The good news is that you get to feel that rush of victory every single day when you make it.

And every day it feels better.

Every day you feel better.

And it gets easier.

It's never easy...

...but it gets easier the more times you do it.

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