Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Reflections From a Booth at McDonald's

I'm Sitting here at McDonald's working while my car is in the shop.

I need a break from writing other people's copy at the moment so I'm writing to you.

You who are struggling with your weight.

You who want to change and feel better.

You who can't see the way to steer clear of that fucking drive-thru.

Believe me, I get it.

The night I started this diet I literally broke down and CRIED because I just didn't know how I would live without Big Macs and fries.

I couldn't imagine a life without the occasional Payday bar and Ring Ding chaser.

I couldn't bear the thought of watching a movie without downing half a bucket of popcorn and sucking on Sour Patch Kids.

It scared me. I felt like I was breaking up with a lover. And honestly, I was. I was having an affair with food that was KILLING my relationships, not the least of which was the one with my wife.

Can I be completely transparent for a moment?

My affair with food made sex less than wonderful for me. It made it unbearable (quite literally) for my wife.

I had gotten so huge that it was just impossible for either of us to enjoy it.

And yet, that first night, I wept for the loss of that lover - the one who got between us and soured what we had together. I wept for the loss of THAT.

So when you feel that compulsion to steer into the drive-thru, believe me, I get it. I sacrificed a LOT to perpetuate that affair.

So, back to today...

The smell of the burgers they're making right now (it's the switch between breakfast and lunch) is like the stink of death.

I am seriously sitting here harboring resentment for just how badly this stuff once hurt me.

I can't even LOOK at McDonald's food anymore without disgust.

I do take a lot of the responsibility for what happened to me because, well, I have free will and never once "had to" steer into that drive-thru.

But I don't think anyone will argue that this food does have a certain draw. The carbs and sugar do create an addictive feeling.

I pray for the day when my son stops wanting to eat here because he's being served such great food at home but I know that I walked him through that door the first time. I gave him that taste for this poison and the addiction is hard to break.

Whenever I start feeling like I miss Big Macs and fries I simply remind myself that the last time I had one I couldn't fit in the booth I'm sitting in now, I was angry, I felt awful all the time and I wasn't getting laid...

...and it all falls right back into proper perspective.

And, just to make sure you know there's a happy ending to the above story, I have managed to not only turn back the clock on my weight, but also on my marriage.

Issues and problems that existed there five months ago simply don't anymore.

I am thankful and I am blessed.

And I'm also out of this death pit now - the car is done and so is this post. Time to go get some REAL FOOD!!! :-)

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