Monday, June 17, 2013

The Psychology of Sugar Science Part 1

Scientifically speaking, the stuff I'm talking about shouldn't work, but it does.

I happened upon this article just a few minutes ago.

The things that companies do to lure you in and get you addicted to their garbage is DASTARDLY.

Ever read Fast Food Nation?

Most of what you taste in junk food originates in a lab in New Jersey.

New Jersey.

(not that I have anything against Jersey or anything... it's just.... yeah... come on now)

Read the book, by the way. Don't watch the movie. The movie is ridiculous.

Now, I've known for ages that companies have been enhancing the flavors of their products in VERY unnatural ways for a long time, but even I will admit that i didn't know corn flakes were one of them.

Corn flakes are a decent source of grain, but they're also carb central and on a low carb diet you'd best steer clear. If you need a better reason, try this:

"Even if something doesn't taste "sweet," it can still be packed with chemicals that your body will immediately turn into sugar. And taking that junk out makes everything taste [horrible] to us, because our taste buds have been numbed with salt and sugar our entire lives. One journalist described the taste of sugar- and salt-free Kellogg's cornflakes as like trying to eat his own fillings -- and that's cornflakes, the kind of food that seems like it has barely any sugar to begin with."

Now, if you didn't read the entire article yet, please do. I'm going to pick out a few tidbits but you really should read it all.

"While nobody ever binges on boiled carrots and Brussels sprouts, potato chips are described as the perfect addictive food -- essentially the nutritional equivalent of a speedball. Why? Because they were deliberately designed that way.

When you first pop a chip into your mouth, the coating of salt and fat light up the brain's pleasure centers like a Christmas tree. The starch in the potato causes the same glucose spike as sugar, but is absorbed into the bloodstream much more quickly. That spike then immediately dips, making you want another potato chip. You can just keep eating them, and because there's no real substance to them, your stomach never gets full."

Well now, isn't THAT interesting! 

They know what they're doing.

They know it's making us sick. 

They know that all they're doing is pumping more SUGAR into us by filling us up with carbs. 

They know they're causing Diabetes, a dozen different heart conditions and obesity.

when do we stop telling these companies that it's OK to kill us? 

When do we tell them to STOP killing our children?

It begins with a choice: a choice to put aside the fatty, greasy sludge that's killing us and start eating REAL FOOD. 

And the first step is a good detox program. 

Why do I harp on this so much? 

Because "Eighty percent of food sold in America has processed sugar, and processed sugar has 56 different names."

It's a losing battle without the proper defensive strategy. Ditch the sugar and you ditch 80% of what is holding you back from a successful low carb diet. It's that simple. 

More tomorrow...

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