Monday, June 10, 2013

BOOOORING! Spicing Up Low Carb Meals

No doubt about it - if you're doing the low carb thing you're going to get bored, especially if you're eating on a budget. You can only eat so much chicken and hamburger before it starts getting old.

And THAT is when people start to fail.

Now, please bear in mind that I'm not talking about Atkins or any other organized diet plan. I have a secret weapon that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY on this journey, but even if I told you wat it is you probably wouldn't have access to it.

This is why I'm teaching you how to do this the old fashioned way and letting you in on things I'm discovering on the way.

What some people don't understand about low carb eating is that there are fewer taboos than they realize.

Yes, you can have a little mayo in small amounts. Yes to ketchup, mustard, hot sauce, you name it. Yes these things have some carbs but understand these two things:

  • You're not going to eat a tablespoon of mayo, especially if you're not slathering it on bread. Ditto any other condiment.
  • It's called LOW carb, not NO carb.

It is UNHEALTHY to eliminate any specific nutrient from your diet. The thing about carbs is that your body doesn't need them all the time and it certainly doesn't need them in the quantities that people consume them. Not by a longshot.

In my last post, I told you about The 21 Day Sugar Detox. During this period, you should only be eating what Diane says to eat. This will prepare you for a long stretch of low carb eating. If you haven't done this program, do it. It's the closest thing I've found to what I did starting out and it paved the way.

If you're already over that hurdle, now it's time to make sure that your low carb meals are interesting and non repetitive.

First off, if you're planning on eating chicken every day you will eventually stop losing no matter how disciplined you are. Your metabolism needs new challenges if it's going to keep using those fat stores effectively.

Second, if everything tastes the same after a while the boredom WILL win out.  This is why you need some good recipes and meal plans. These five books will help you tremendously when it comes to planning low carb meals. They will help you plan a variety of meals and many of them are extremely budget-conscious: chicken, pork, beef, etc. They even show you haw you can safely integrate some grains while maintaining your low carb eating regimen. Just one word on that: I would definitely wait on re-introducing bread until you are within about 20 pounds of your goal. That leaves you with four books to work with right now and that, you will see, is PLENTY.

Thanks for reading and good luck. See you next time!

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