Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ain't Nothin' Like the Real Thing

You know what I'm looking forward to more than almost anything when I can finally eat what I want again?

I want a coke.

A real, sugary, ice cold delicious Coca Cola Classic.

Why? Because unsweetened tea, coffee and plain water are boring.

"So why not just have a Diet Coke? There are no calories."

Well, no, there aren't.

But your body thinks there are.

And when your body doesn't get what it thinks it's going to it starts demanding it.

Think about it: have you ever had a diet soda and then became inexplicably RAVENOUSLY hungry a little while later?

There's a reason for that.

When your body expects to receive certain nutrients and doesn't get them it starts to DEMAND them.

Whenever you taste something sweet, your body prepares to process sugar. When it doesn't get any, it has your brain tell you you're hungry so you'll eat something, preferably carbohydrates or sugar, so it can finish what YOU started.

So Diet Coke doesn't have any calories, but it all but forces you to consume some to make up for what it lacks.

This is why sugar detoxing is so important and why I'm so adamant about getting past these kinds of cravings as part of a successful low carb diet.

Diet sodas are HORRIBLE for you. They're WAY worse than regular sodas. At least a real soda delivers what it promises.

Your body may stay thirsty from all the sodium, but it won't demand food to validate the sweetness.

So, am I telling you to drink soda? Hardly.

I'm just saying that this is how your body works. You can't fool it. The solution isn't drinking soda. It's figuring out how to eliminate the sugar.

And that is why you need to try The 21 Day Sugar Detox.

It will get you off the sugary sodas and pave the way for a successful low carb diet.

I'll have more to say about the whole soda thing next time... and believe me: I have NOTHING good to say about it.

Here's a little preview: there was a time in my life when I drank TWO THIRTY-TWO OUNCE MOUNTAIN DEWS every. single. day.

And I still don't have diabetes. Weird. Good, but weird...

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