Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Psychology of Sugar Science Part 2

Like I said, perception is everything.

Our brains rely on various stimuli to perform certain functions.

The taste of anything sweet tells the brain that it's time to start processing sugar.

The smell of meat on the grill tells our brain to prepare to process protein. It just assumes that if we smell food cooking, we're going to eat it.

This goes way back to the caveman days.

The average troglodyte didn't drive past two McDonald's, a Carl's Jr. and an Outback Steakhouse on his way home from work.

If he smelled food, it was because he killed it and was going to eat it.

All of these things are in our DNA.

The information stores that have accumulated over time are incredible.

Smells trigger a physical response.

This response can be gastral, endocrine, respiratory (you take deep breaths of air that smells good, right?) they can even be pulmonary or sexual - just ask any guy who ever smelled Chanel No. 5 on the nape of a pretty girl's neck.

Taste also triggers a physical response.

Did you know that different parts of the tongue register different flavors?

Did you also know that these parts are pretty tiny and that most of your tongue can't taste anything at all?

Why is our perception of sweet concentrated into such a tiny space?

Well, if you've ever had a second hunk of chocolate cake you should know the answer to that question.

Imagine what kind of insatiable drive we would have to eat and eat and eat if our entire tongue reacted to everything we tasted.

(I'm going to get into a little of my spiritual beliefs here and I hope you will take the information as my opinion and maintain your own)

I don't think that we're like this by accident. I truly believe that the one great force in this universe from which everything on this planet and in the cosmos springs designed us this way for a reason.

It knew that with our superior intelligence we would not approach things like other mammals do.

We would approach sleep differently.

We would approach shelter differently.

We would approach sex differently.

We would approach food differently.

And these bodies would react favorably to positives and unfavorably to negatives.

And these bodies would then drag our emotions along for the ride.

Ever notice how "comfort food" is some of the worst stuff you could possibly eat?

Mac and cheese.



All things sweet and made from flour.

Bread and butter.

And over time, if we aren't careful, we develop a RELATIONSHIP with the food.

Because we're all about relationships.

These bodies know how small they are in this universe so they look for things to not only identify with, but also BOND with.

So we bond with sugar because it's comforting. It makes us feel good for a moment at a time.

There are better things to bond with.

Try another person.

Try a hobby.

Try something that isn't going to turn around and kill you because the relationship is just one-sided.

Try something better. 

You are capable. You are powerful. Your free will is your most effective weapon.

More on that tomorrow...

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