Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's the Little Victories

I'm about to prove to you how effective a low-carb diet can be even if you're not All In.

I posted this story on another blog this morning but I know the rest of the world needs to have the opportunity to read it.

I remember the day my wife came home from the doctor in 2002 sobbing because they'd found sugar in her urine.

34 years old and she had Diabetes. It was inevitable. All her female relatives had it.

But getting it at 34 is just ridiculous.

I have always been a bit concerned with how she manages it and there have been a couple blood sugar scares along the way.

It's 11 years later now and things are starting to catch up to both of us now that we're in our 40s.

Once I started on the Program, I simply stopped putting things on the table I couldn't eat. I still make mac 'n cheese for my son. He's Autistic and only eats certain foods.

He gets a pass.

I've been serving nothing but meat and vegetables at dinner for the past two months now (I do 90% of the cooking at home). My wife continues to hit the drive-thru and continues drinking diet soda.

She says she's slowed down but I see the empty bags in her car.

I know how she defines "slowing down."

Here's an idea of just how well this program works.

She's eating like I eat for one meal a day.

She HAS actually been slowing down more than I expected on the fast food. I'll give her props for that. It's still a thing, but it's a smaller thing.

Following the diet one meal a day, she went to our doctor today and I got this text from her afterward:

"In just over 3 months, my blood sugar A1C has gone from a 10 to 7.5. Goal is below 7."

She's been following my lead at dinner and that's what has happened. I can only imagine what's going to happen when she's All In.

That'll happen when she goes for hypnotherapy, which I hope will be soon. 

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