Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's All RIght, It's All right, It's All Right... Cane!

Cane sugar is one atom away from cocaine.

Don't believe me?

Here's the chemical formula for cane sugar (AKA Sucrose):  C12H22O11

Here's the chemical formula for Cocaine: C17H21NO4

Granted there are molecular differences but the makeup of chemical elements is identical except for Nitrogen.

Is it any wonder why this stuff is so addictive?

Now, Im not going to sit here and plagiarize an entire article. I'll just let you read it. 

What you learn there should shock you.

If it doesn't, you're not ready to do what you need to do to become well.

You saw what has happened to me over just seven weeks.

No I don't know how many pounds I've lost - that's part of the hypnosis. I can't get on a scale unless it's medically necessary.

I do know this, though: the notion of needing sugar for energy is a complete crock.

I do know that I can now stand from a sitting position without using something to push myself up.

I do know that I can get off my couch now just lifting with my legs.

I do know that I can mow my entire lawn, front and back yards, without a break in 95 degree heat.

I do know that I can walk further and I no longer have back pain when I walk more than 500 feet.

I do know that I'm getting stronger.

I do know that I'm more alert.

And I do know that it's because I'm eating drastically less food that converts to either sugar or carbohydrate.

Sugar IS addictive.

Sugar IS a drug. I don't care what any clinician has to say or what the law says or what your cousin Marty says...

It's a drug.

That's why fast food is so popular.

There is no such thing as a low carb meal at a fast food restaurant, not even if you only eat salads with grilled chicken. The chicken has sugar in it. So does the salad dressing.So does the preservative in the salad.

Even a salad at McDonald's has sugar in it That blows my mind.

Did you know that there are only three items on the entire McDonald's menu that don't have sugar? Those items are coffee, unsweetened iced tea and sausage patties. It's four if you count bottled water.

And let's be real, you're gonna slather that sausage patty in syrup before you eat it.

Yeah, you are...

Either that or you're going to eat it with an egg that has sugar added to it on a muffin, bagel or biscuit that has sugar added to it (and will convert to sugar anyway when you digest it).

Seriously, what's it going to take for you to decide that you've had enough?

Fast food keeps you addicted by using sugar and artificially produced smells.

That hot off the grill smell your Quarter Pounder has didn't come from a cow. It didn't come from a marinade.

It came from a lab in New Jersey.

There is no lower quality of beef than what you get at McDonald's. It has no flavor on its own and it smells like cinderblock when it's cooked.

It still has precious little flavor after cooking but the SMELL of it tricks you into thinking it tastes good. What actually tastes good is the sugar in the bun - that nice yeasty smell coupled with sweet.

That yeasty smell also comes from Jersey, not the bread.

And that's not just alarmist bullshit. That's documented, verifiable fact. 

I'll leave you to chew on that for a while... pun definitely intended.

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