Friday, July 19, 2013

HuffPost Gets it Right AGAIN.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Huffington Post?

One of the things that Julie Kibe teaches in her Hypnosis sessions (yes, she lectures while she does her voodoo so you don't know you're being programmed) is to stop eating "fake food." 

This isn't as much an article as a slideshow but if you read the blurb for each slide you will learn some very interesting things about so-called diet foods that will likely surprise you.

For once I'm bashing something besides sugar.

Here's the thing, though... anything that we attempt to do to trick our bodies into behaving a certain way will ultimately fail. 

Our bodies know what real food is and they know what fake food is. 

The reason low-carb dieting works so well is because it breaks things down into the simplest of categories: meat and vegetables. 

These things are real foods that our bodies have known how to use since the dawn of time. 

Our bodies don't know how to use Aspartame.

Our bodies don't know how to use Stevia.

Our bodies prepare for certain nutrients based on taste. 

It's not just sugar - it's fat, salt, protein, you name it. 

So go ahead and have a look at the slide show and quit buying processed low-fat everything. It's not helping you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to go fry some asparagus in butter and crack a couple eggs to go with it.   

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