Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Healthy" Cereal?

Well, it's nice to see that people are still reading even when I go away for a few days. Good for you!

And thanks to any newcomers that might be milling about, lurking in the shadows. Yes, I know you're watching. :-)

One of the things that my wife is really thrilled about with the advent of my low-carb diet is that I've stopped eating breakfast cereal.

Did you know that 60% of Americans eat breakfast cereal every. single. day.?

It's supposed to be healthy.

For a long time I thought it was.

One of my earlier weight loss journeys happened during the summer between my sophomore and junior years in college. I had ballooned up to about 260 pounds and I needed to get some of that weight off.

Starting in Mid-May and going through the end of August, my diet consisted of cereal for breakfast, a Slimfast shake for lunch and then whatever I wanted for dinner.

I didn't even worry if it was a "sensible" dinner. I might have had pizza or gone to Mama Mia's for all-you-can-eat pasta night.

I lost about 30 pounds.

I was also 20 years old.

But that experience formed the basis for my belief that cereal is good for you. The reality of it is that it just plain isn't.

My wife has been telling me this for years now.

Anyway, my friends at Huffington Post are at it again.

They've showcased what is apparently going to be a whole video series and it looks like it's going to be pretty decent, too.

The first one is about breakfast cereal.

Go ahead and have a look. 

In all fairness I've always wondered why the calorie count in Frosted Flakes was so close to regular corn flakes... ditto on the frosted mini-wheats. The sugar count is close too.

And we wonder why so many people are sugar-addicted.


I wish I still believed in Hell.

If I did, I would be convinced that there's an entire wing there waiting for food company executives.

But I don't and there isn't.

It doesn't justify their nefarious actions.

I don't think I could comment better on this subject so just watch the video and we'll pick this up tomorrow.

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