Sunday, February 23, 2014

What Will You Do...

I have a list of things I can do now that I couldn't do 9 months ago. It looks something like this:

  • I can go to a restaurant and not stress out about having to decline a booth. I fit in them now. 
  • I can fit on most amusement park rides. 
  • I can stand for more than an hour without my feet hurting and without my back aching.
  • I can climb stairs without getting winded.
  • I can easily stand from a sitting position.
  • I can get up off the floor unaided. 
  • I can drive past the drive-thru.
  • I can say no to junk food
  • I can buy clothes off the rack at any store. 
  • I can sit a safe distance back from the steering wheel of my car. 
  • I don't spill over into the seats around me at the movies which means I can also fit in a seat on an airplane.
  • I can appreciate being told that I look "amazing" and I can believe it. I do believe it. 
  • I can revel in watching people I haven't seen in a while trying to decide if they know who I am.
  • I can sleep through the night without waking up in pain.
  • I can get a common cold without it escalating into three weeks of asthma and laryngitis.
  • I can get over said cold after five days instead of a month. And I mean TOTALLY over.

When the weather gets warmer there are other things I'm going to be able to do.

  • I'm going to go on every ride at Six Flags and Knoebels.
  • I'm going to start riding a bike again.
  • I'm going to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
  • This summer, I'm going to learn how to kayak and take a sea kayak tour.
  • I'm going to see MORE parts of Acadia National Park that I couldn't get to because I was too fat. 
So I want to know - what will you do? 

What will you do when your weight doesn't prohibit it anymore?

What will you do when your health improves because you've dropped all that weight?

A lot of people read this blog but no one participates. 

You have the floor. What will you do?  

Not would. What will you do?

If you're discouraged and giving up hope, THAT is the question you need to be asking. 

Eliminate the escape route. The time for "if" is over. 

Next time I'm going to address everyone who insn't on The Key program about how to get this done whether you go the hypnosis route or not. 


  1. I started with Key in July 2013, and in the last 7 months I’ve dropped from a size 32 jean that I couldn’t zip, to a comfortable 24. Long way to go, but pleased with the results so far.

    Some things I am now able to do:

    • Easily lift my foot to my knee to put socks or shoes on

    • Jog for a couple minutes at a time, and walk anywhere without thinking about it; my knees used to hurt just walking from the parking lot to the store

    • Hurry up the stairs carrying several bags of groceries at a time, and be less out of breath than when I was fatter and went up one flight slowly and empty handed

    • Take Zumba classes 3 times a week, which are 60 minutes of continuous Latin dance & workout moves; I used to be out of breath dancing one fast song at a wedding.

    • Look in the mirror and smile

    • Go to a social gathering and feel confident

    Things I plan on doing this summer:

    Well, the first couple are actually next week:

    • I’m getting on a plane to fly to Florida for vacation
    • I’m wearing a bathing suit at the beach

    This summer I plan on:
    • Going ziplining
    • Parasailing
    • Riding a bike in public when we go on vacation
    • Going canoeing
    • Running a 5k
    • Going horseback riding

    Life is very different now and I’m loving every minute of it.

  2. I saw your before and during pics over on Friend of Julie. It's amazing how fast it happens, isn't it?

  3. I remember sitting in my first class at Julie's, ready to cry when I heard the food plan, because I thought I would never be able to do it. 7 months in, and I haven't put one thing of food in my mouth that I wasn't supposed to-it's been amazingly easy.

  4. I went home and fell apart after my first session. I had no conception that I was going to be put on a diet. I thought the hypnosis was designed to steer me away from certain foods and it would just be painless. All of a sudden I just wouldn't want donuts anymore. Heh... not so much.

    I had no clue what I was about to be put through and the trauma almost led to failure within hours. I had contemplated not going back for my next session I was so freaked out. Then something interesting happened. I followed the plan at dinner. Then, I followed it at breakfast the next day. Then, I wasn't hungry for lunch but I followed it at dinner again. Three days in and I was already tightening my belt. Two weeks in and I could stand up unassisted from flat on the floor. By then I was all in. No cheats in nine months so far.

    BTW, I'm an oddball on this program in that I readily admit to still wanting donuts, still wanting cookies, chocolate cake... I SO want these things, but I think Julie knew that about me and put in another very interesting safeguard. I like to tease my son from time to time and pretend I'm going to eat a french fry or something. The minute anything I'm not supposed to eat gets NEAR my mouth, PANIC! PANIC! DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!!!! I couldn't make myself swallow a donut if I wanted to. I'd spit it out in a panic. So I guess that's what keeps me honest. She knew I couldn't kick the desire for junk so she programmed me to panic whenever it's within a threatening radius of the ol' cake hole. Whatever works... I've been saying no for nine months - screaming it directly at the food when needs be. Ever seen a grown man yell defiantly at a pastry? It's something everyone should witness at least once.

    1. I just found this blog I really enjoy reading the posts! I have been on Julie's program since September of 13, I have dropped 10 sizes. The thing I enjoy most at my new size is entering a social situation and not feeling like the largest person in the room. My weight can no longer hold me back from doing anything and that is the real gift.

    2. You and my wife started around the same time. She has dropped 4 sizes so far but the difference in her appearance is drastic to say the least.
